Iconic Gears

Not to be confused with Iconic Battle Suits.
Iconic Equipment are any of several pieces of unique equipment pieces dropped throughout the game by enemy Iconic Characters in Instance Iconic Battles or Alerts. Each piece of Iconic Equipment unlocks a unique Iconic Style.
The equipment may sometimes also be received by fighting with the character against the same opponent. For example, Wonder Girl's Mystic Belt is also available as a drop from Giganta after defeating her with help from Wonder Girl.


MaleFemaleNameStyleObtained From
HeadRobotBatmanAndroid Batman's CowlRobot BatmanT.O. Morrow's Hideout,Batcave: Inner Sanctum
HeadRobotJokerIconic Robot Joker FemaleBrainiac Joker's Malevolent HeadRobot JokerT.O. Morrow's Hideout
HeadBrainiacSunstoneBroodmother's CraniumBrainiac SunstoneFortress of Solitude: Chasm
HeadBrotherBloodIconic Brother Blood FemaleBrother Blood's Sinister HoodBrother BloodEllsworth Memorial Hospital
HeadBrotherEyeIconic Brother Eye FemaleBrother Eye's Helm of the OMAC CenturionBrother EyeOMAC Base
HeadCaptainColdCaptain Cold's Furred HoodCaptain ColdStryker's Island Penitentiary
HeadSpectreIconic Spectre FemaleDeathmask of the SpectreSpectreLair of the Spectre
HeadBrotherEyeIconic Brother Eye FemaleElite OMAC Centurion HelmetBrother EyeOMAC Base
HeadFelixFausIconic Felix Faust FemaleFaust's Orichalcum HelmFelix FaustMannheim's Chinese Theater
HeadHarleyQuinnIconic Harley Quinn FemaleHarley's Sinister MasqueradeHarley QuinnJoker's Funhouse
HeadRavenIconic Raven FemaleRaven's SoulmaskRaven8th Precinct
HeadScarecrowIconic Scarecrow FemleShroud of the ScarecrowScarecrowGotham City Sewers,Arkham Asylum
HeadStarHelmetIconic Star Helmet FemaleStar HelmetStar HelmetOan Sciencells(Villain)Briefing(Hero)


MaleFemaleNameStyleObtained From
FaceCaptainColdGlassesCaptain Cold's GlassesCaptain ColdStryker's Island Penitentiary
FaceCatwomanCatwoman's GogglesCatwomanGotham Warehouse
FaceDoctorSivanaGlassesDoctor Sivana's Clever GlassesDoctor Sivana GlassesBlüdhaven
FaceOanTechIconic Oan Tech FemaleOan Tech MaskOan TechCoast City


MaleFemaleNameStyleObtained From
ShouldersRyutRyut ShoulderpadsRyutCoast City
ShouldersSector13Iconic Sector 13 FemaleSector 13 ShoulderpadsSector 13Oan Sciencells


MaleFemaleNameStyleObtained From
HandsKryptonianCrystalCorrupted Kryptonian GauntletsKryptonian CrystalFortress of Solitude: Power Core
HandsIsisIconic Isis FemaleDivine Handwraps of the Goddess IsisIsisGotham University
HandsDoctorFateIconic Doctor Fate FemaleDoctor Fate's ManagripsDoctor FateSentinels of Magic Citadel
HandsEnergyBatteryEnergy Battery GlovesEnergy BatteryOan Sciencells
HandsPowerGirlIconic Power Girl FemalePower Girl's Reinforced GripsPower GirlMetropolis University
HandsSinestroIconic Sinestro FemaleSinestro's Banded GauntletsSinestroMetropolis City Hall


MaleFemaleNameStyleObtained From
WaistAquamanIconic Aquaman FemaleAquaman's Royal WaistguardAquamanCondemned Shipping Office
WaistBaneIconic Bane FemaleBane's Rageblind BeltBaneCape Carmine Lighthouse
WaistPoisonIvyIconic Poison Ivy FemalePoison Ivy's Thorny CincturePoison IvyGiordano Botanical Gardens
WaistRobinIconic Robin FemaleRobin's Utility BeltRobinJoker's Funhouse
WaistWonderGirlIconic Wonder Girl FemaleWonder Girl's Mystic BeltWonder GirlNew Troy Central Station


MaleFemaleNameStyleObtained From
FeetAlanScottIconic Alan Scott FemaleAlan Scott's Wrapped TreadsAlan ScottJSA Metropolis Wing
FeetMutantClownClownsanity's Mutant BootsMutant ClownAce Chemicals (Alert)
FeetKlarionHigh Market Buckled BootsKlarionThe Midnight Masquerade
FeetSupergirlIconic Supergirl FemaleSupergirl's Kandorian BattlebootsSupergirlMetropolis General Hospital
FeetFlashIconic Flash FemaleThe Flash's Speed-TreadsFlashOld STAR Labs


MaleFemaleNameStyleObtained From
ChestDeathstrokeIconic Deathstroke FemaleDeathstroke's Menacing BandolierDeathstrokeMonarch Playing Card Company
ChestGardner-styleIconic Gardner-style FemaleGardner-style VestGardner-styleOan Sciencells(Villain)Briefing(Hero)
ChestAbraKadabraIconic Abra Kadabra FemaleVestment of the MagicianAbra KadabraFlashback


MaleFemaleNameStyleObtained From
BackBatwomanIconic Batwoman FemaleBatwoman's Serrated CapeBatwomanTemple of Crime
BackBrainiacBrainiac's Back-Mounted CannonsBrainiacBatcave: Inner Sanctum
BackDoomsdayIconic Doomsday FemaleDoomsday's Savage SpinesDoomsdaySmallville
BackEnergy BatteryIconic Energy Battery FemaleEnergy Battery BackpackEnergy BatteryOan Sciencells
BackMisterFreezeIconic Mister Freeze FemaleMister Freeze's Frigid CryotankMr. FreezeGotham Mercy General Hospital
BackMisterFreezeIconic Mister Freeze FemaleMister Freeze's Improved CryotankMr. Freeze ?
BackKickMePunchline's SignKick MeAce Chemicals (Alert)
BackRasAlGhulThe Cloak of Ra's al GhulRa's al GhulLeague of Assassins Stronghold


ImageWeapon StyleNameStyleObtained From
HandBlasterCyborgsCyberneticCannonHand BlasterCyborg's Cybernetic CannonCyborg Glove GunRobinson Park
One-HandedScarecrowsTwistedCleaverOne-HandedScarecrow's Sinister CleaverTwisted CleaverArkham Asylum

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