Power Leveling Your Toon

Some things you can do at level 30 to speed this along and start at t3 when you hit 30.
The following items are trade able via sharebank to your lower level toons if you already have a fully geared high level toon you can farm these items to increase your cr and decrease the time it takes to level your toon. 

So you’ve just reached level 30 and you’re about to grind to higher lev­els here’s a guide to easy CR lev­el­ing with­out hav­ing to col­lect any Tier 1 or Tier 2 gear. This guide will help play­ers gain Com­bat Rat­ing while avoid­ing all the harder alerts and raids.
Before we start I have to say this guide only works for play­ers who are Leg­endary so if you’re not Leg­endary this isn’t going to work to well for you.
As of August 24 2013, you have to be T2 or able to do T2 mis­sion in order to get items from Sub-Avatars in South Gotham.

T1 mis­sions for beginners

So lets begin:
The first mis­sions you should do are T1 challenges.
Tier 1 Challanges
Tier 1 Challanges
  1. 8th Precinct
  2. Mannheim’s Chi­nese Theater
  3. Meta Research Wing
  4. The Joker’s Funhouse
I rec­om­mend you don’t do Lair of the Spec­tre because it can be dif­fi­cult for a new level 30’s.
Next you want to do some T1 alerts hope­fully you’ve acquired some new gear from your T1 challenges.
  1. Area 51 - has an 87 dps iconic weapon that drops.
  2. Smal­l­ville
I don’t rec­om­mend you do Watch­tower or Ace Chem­i­cals because it can be dif­fi­cult for new level 30’s. Try to get that weapon from Area 51 if you can.
Next you want to do some duo’s here is what I recommend.
  1. Gorilla Grodd’s Lab
  2. HIVE Base
  3. Gotham Uni­ver­sity
I don’t rec­om­mend doing any other duos.

Lev­el­ing to T2 missions

Now to level up, the key is to join a group for South Gotham Sub Avatars, here you will get new item level 52 armor for your char­ac­ters. Doing sub avatar’s might take you a while to level up because you’re still very low but if you col­lect enough armor you will able to do T2 missions.
After col­lect­ing all your sub avatar armor it’s time to do some T2 mis­sions. Do not do Oan Sci­en­cells until you have all 52 item level armor on!
  1. Oan Sci­en­cells
You wont really be able to do any other alerts be sides Oan in fact you might not even be able to do Oan unless you have some really good play­ers in the alert with you. The goal for this mis­sion is to get a weapon from this alert.
Tier 2 Duos
Tier 2 Duos
Now here’s the secret most play­ers don’t know about, if you do these duos you will become full Tier 2.
  1. Gotham Hos­pi­tal
  2. River­front Cen­ter*
  3. River­side Hotel*
Be care­ful with River­front Cen­ter and River­side Hotel because the bosses in those mis­sions are dif­fi­cult. Don’t do Flash­back duo. Try to col­lect all the armor from these duos before you move on.
You can do some T2 chal­lenges but it’s not really necessary.

Mov­ing up to Tier 3

Now to work on Tier 3, this is where it gets tough but if you man­age any of these mis­sions I list for you, you will be on your way to Com­bat Rat­ing 70 in no time. Before you actu­ally do any of these mis­sions make sure you have a weapon from Oan Sci­en­cells if you don’t have a good weapon from there I don’t rec­om­mend you mov­ing on.
Start off with these chal­lenges because the bosses are very easy…
  1. STAR Labs Facil­ity 
  2. Circe’s Strong­hold
Don’t do the other chal­lenges yet, after you do these 2 chal­lenges a few times do this one alert.
  1. League of Assas­sins Stronghold
I can’t stress this enough DO NOTDO NOT do South Gotham Cour­t­house, Stryker’s Island Pen­i­ten­tiary, Coast City, or Arkham Asy­lum. You will not have the com­bat rat­ing to fight the bosses in those mis­sions and you will just drag down the rest of the team. I can’t stress it enough stay out of those alerts.
Don't forget to get your Flash Trinket
Don’t for­get to get your Flash Trinket
After you’ve done these T3 mis­sions a few times hope­fully you will have some item level 60 — 64 armor, also look into going to Cen­tral City and buy­ing aDPS Flash trin­ket hope­fully you didn’t waste your Marks on other items yet.
Fortress of Solitude
Fortress of Solitude
When you reach CR 60 it’s time to do Fortress or Soli­tude 3 where you will get your 113 D.P.S. weapon. Remem­ber to play as a team in FOS 3 DON’TUSE RANGE ATTACKS WHEN THE SNIPER IS AROUND and DO NOTDO NOT!!!!!SHOOT THE MEDIC WHEN HIS RED SHIELD IS UP. If you mess that up you will quickly make the group dis­band, play this right and you will have your weapon. TEAM WORK!

Now that you have your 113 D.P.S. weapon

It’s time to go back to your T3 chal­lenges and Alerts and maybe even do Fortress of Soli­tude 1. I rec­om­mend doing these mis­sions in this order.


  1. STAR Labs Facility
  2. Circe’s Strong­hold
  3. Monarch Play­ing Card Company


  1. Shady Night­club
  2. Cape Carmine Lighthouse
  3. Old Gotham Subway
  4. Fer­ris Aircraft


  1. League of Assas­sins Stronghold
  2. Coast City
  3. South Gotham Courthouse
  4. Stryker’s Island Penitentiary
  5. Arkham Asy­lum


  1. Fortress of Soli­tude 1
Fortress of Solitude
Fortress of Solitude
The key from here on for­ward is to acquire item level 64 armor, you will get those in Shady Night­club, League of Assas­sins Strong­hold and Cour­t­house, believe it or not but you won’t get item level 64 armor from FOS 1 but you will get a good util­ity belt but you can also get one from chal­lenges, duos or alerts.
By now you should have enough to get a piece of Tier 3 item level 70 armor from the Meta wing. Hope­fully you will have some lock­box rings and neck­laces by now also. When you have all your item level 64 armor and your Iconic T3 armor you should be around CR 65–68. Lets hope you’re more towards CR 68 than CR 65 because the lower your CR is the more work you have to do to get to level 70.

The Mods

Depend­ing on what CR you are when you col­lect all your item level 64 armor and lock­box rings and neck­lace will let you know how much mod gath­er­ing you will need to do. If you’re CR is 65 you will have to get about 5 t4 mods made if your CR is 68 you will only have to make 3 T4 mods.
I rec­om­mend you make your first 2 mods for your rings then make your 3rd mod for your T3 iconic gear. By now if you still need mods to become CR 70 just make them for what­ever armor you have left.

What play­ers don’t know…

Every­one thinks the fastest way to increase your CR is to do raids but the real key is to do chal­lenges. Chal­lenges usu­ally have armor which are usu­ally 2 — 4 item level lower than alerts mak­ing it eas­ier to do the alerts. Raids are harder to get bet­ter armor because you have to com­pete with other play­ers to get the armor you need.
Between CR 30 and CR 70 it’s not really nec­es­sary to do any raids except for Fortress of Soli­tude 3 where you will pick up you’re 113 D.P.S. weapon, you can do raids while you’re lev­el­ing up using this guide but it really isn’t necessary.
So you’ve reach over the 70 CR thresh­old and you feel ready to do some actu­ally T4 mis­sion with­out hav­ing to do a walked-in.  Well I would’ve hoped you guys would be wise enough to pick your bat­tles by now and hope­fully made friends to run raids and alerts with but if you still need help I have a few sug­ges­tions on how to go about lev­el­ing up to Com­bat Rat­ing 89.

What you should know

First and for most I must tell you to never do these mis­sions if your under Com­bat Rat­ing 80:
  1. Prime Bat­tle Ground (sug­gested CR is actu­ally 85)
  2. A New Dawn (sug­gested CR is actu­ally 85)
  3. With a Vengeance
  4. Inner Bat­cave T4
I know none of you will lis­ten to me on this one but hey that’s not my prob­lem to care, most of you will get lucky and find a T5 group to get you over the hump most of you will just get kicked but I assure you if you try that in Prime Bat­tle Ground 98.6% chance you’re get­ting kicked out there’s no room for error in that Raid even with T5 play­ers in it.


Next what you should know is the prepa­ra­tions for T4 Alerts and Raids and it’s called get­ting your feats done. If you’re under 60 skill points by the time you’ve reached 70 Cr I sug­gest you start look­ing online for feats that you need to com­plete because it’s going to make your game eas­ier if you have more skill points under your belt and more innate’s to add to your stats.
Also by now you should have done every raid from Kah­n­daq to Fortress of Soli­tude 3 and you should have run a com­plete FOS 2 raid at least 3 times, to prove you can work with a team League or Pick Up Group. There are lots of feats just for com­plet­ing those mis­sions. Also you should have done all T1through T3 Chal­langes, Duos and Alerts by now why because there are feats for those mis­sions as well.
Check out your Deeds tab in your start menu and start look­ing over all the easy feats you need to com­plete so you can at least get your skill points up to a decent level to start run­ning T4 mis­sions TRUST ME every lit­tle skill point helps when you add it to attack, defense, and role innates.
The eas­i­est feat every­one should have worked on by now is the Style feats you can go down to the War Room in the Watch­tower or where ever it is in the hall of doom and start shop­ping for clothes. Buy up every style in the vend­ing machines that’s an easy feat point right there. Any­way enough of the prepa­ra­tions let’s move on to some missions.

Early T4 missions

In the early days of the T4 DLC there wasn’t much T4 mis­sions to work with but there’s so much to do now and you get so much Marks just for doing stu­pid stuff you will be able to get to T5 in no time.

Lets start with:

Gates of Tartarus

Here you will be look­ing to get your hands on some Ama­zon­ian armor this will make the next few mis­sions a lit­tle eas­ier to start with. I rec­om­mend you don’t ninja loot DPS gear (unless you are a DPS) I rec­om­mend you work on your role spe­cific gear because it make it eas­ier for you to do much harder raids because you will have the gear ded­i­cated to your role. The last thing any­one want to do is play with some­one who has half DPS and Half Healer gear try­ing to run harder alerts or raids in T4 “Don’t be a Butt munch”.

Way­ward Souls

Next you want to go do Way­ward Souls here you can get some really nice gear that’s actu­ally bet­ter than what you can get in Gates. Did I men­tion not to ninja loot DPS gear we have enough DPS play­ers in this game now is the best time to play a role other than DPS your chances of get­ting into raids will be much higher if you’re a Healer or Con­troller or even a Tank than a DPSbecause DPS’s are a dime a dozen and every­one needs a Healer or a Tank…Not so much a Con­troller though <_<…sigh, but it still beats being aDPS in my opinion.

Ace Chem­i­cals and Stryk­ers Island

Next you’re going to want to head over to Ace Chem­i­cals and Stryk­ers Island and do their daily mis­sions here you will be work­ing towards some of their bet­ter armor which is actu­ally bet­ter than the stuff that drops in Gates and Way­ward Souls. These armor drop from reward boxes when you com­plete the missions.
T.O. Morrow and Friends
T.O. Mor­row and Friends
When you do these two daily mis­sions a few times you will be able to go inside Styrk­ers or Ace to fight the boss for your chance at get­ting a 125 or 131 dps weapon. I rec­om­mend you don’t try to fight the boss in Stryk­ers because it is very hard to beat with­out some T4 armor on, but ace on the other hand is a lit­tle easy if you keep all of Steel’s men alive.


Don’t for­get to find a group to fight Mor­row Bot (Gotham) and Oolong Bot(Metrop­o­lis). You get reward boxes for beat­ing those robots every­day as well.

Going back to T3 and below missions

You don’t have to do any walk-in and you don’t have to force your­self to do harder raids like the ones I men­tioned ear­lier in the blog. The time it takes you to try to fin­ish Dawn on your first try you could be work­ing on get­ting your first T4armor by doing raids and alerts you know you can fin­ish, the key is to get the first and sec­ond T4 armor part. I usu­ally try to work on get­ting the Chest and Legs first but you can start off with the Back, Feet, Hands it’s all up to you.

Harder T4 Raids

After you’ve col­lected enough marks to buy some T4 armor it’s time to start doing some harder T4 raids. I hope by now you’ve been able to get your hands on a 125 or a 131 dps weapon from Stryk­ers or Ace Chem­i­cal inner mis­sions if not you can get one from the harder raids.


I sug­gest that you start with Vengeance, the last boss in this raid is the eas­i­est of all the other raids and would be your best chance of get­ting a weapon if you didn’t get one from Ace or Stryk­ers. The only rea­son why I wouldn’t sug­gest you doing any harder raids until you get your weapon from Ace or Stryk­ers is that you can go though the raid just to get ninja looted from some­one in the group and the whole raid would be for noth­ing but marks which you can eas­ily get else­where and the armor that drops are the same that is in Way­word Souls, Ace and Stryk­ers anyway.

A New Dawn

This will be the next raid that you’re going to want to try, and I must say it’s kinda hard. You should be at least Cr 80 (rec­om­mended 85CR) when you attempt to do this raid or you will be on the receiv­ing end of a one shot one kill from a lot of enemy NPC’s in the game.
Tala and her big clown
Tala and her big clown
This is a very fun raid but can be frus­trat­ing if you don’t have a good group run­ning it with you but luck­ily there’s a lot of T5 play­ers who still love play­ing this raid every week, just stay out of the way of the Big White Clown and you will be fine. HERE’S A TIPIf the Big White Clown turns and points in your direc­tion start block­ing imme­di­ately and he won’t be able to pull you.

Prime Bat­tle Ground and the End of Brainiac!

This raid you should really save for last even though there isn’t really much you would need from this raid after you’ve received items from all the otherT4 mis­sions. There is one very rare items that drops and that’s the Brainiac Hel­met but that’s so rare that it’s almost impos­si­ble to get but if you do get it your CR can jump up 2 points in no time. It’s even bet­ter than the T4 hel­met you buy from the ven­dors which is why peo­ple still love doing this raid even though the weapons drops are weaker than Dawn or Vengeance. There’s one thing you should know when you’re doing Prime Bat­tle Ground, since this raid is mainly one big boss fight of all the boss from ear­lier raids (Avatar of Tech from Bat Cave Sub Con­struct, Avatar of Meta from Fortress of Soli­tude 2, and Avatar of Magic from Gates). You must learn the perks of fight­ing these bosses to make the raid run smoothly.

Avatar of Meta

For exam­ple did you know when fight­ing Avatar of Meta you’re not sup­pose to use any Move­ment Mode (fly­ing, Speed Run­ning, and Acro­bat­ics) you’re also not sup­pose to sum­mon any Pets (Trin­kets or Spe­cial Pow­ers) doing so will cause Avatar of Meta to Sum­mon energy balls when your fight­ing him in FOS 2 in Prime he tends to elec­trify the floor more and pull out more ten­ta­cle beams. While where on Avatar of Meta I want to say this when you’re fight­ing him in Prime Bat­tle Ground if he elec­trify the floor just walk away don’t fight him until it goes away. Lots of play­ers try to fight him while he elec­trify the floor around him and I just want to say it’s not worth it, just hang back and wait for him to cool off than attack him again.

Avatar of Magic

Avatar of Magic is the same as Meta, you can’t use any move­ment mode or pets when you’re fight­ing him this goes for the Gates Raid and Prime Bat­tle Ground. When you’re in move­ment mode when fight­ing Avatar of Magic he has a habit of hit­ting you harder than nor­mal in Prime and when you’re in Gates he’s just a Douche bag period. When you Sum­mon pets (Trin­ket or Spe­cial Power) he sum­mons pets and lots of them. Nor­mally he will sum­mon only a few but if you have pets out he sum­mons far more than he nor­mally would. You don’t want to mess with move­ment mode and pets around the Avatar of Magic in Prime because he will swarm the area with magic drones on top of the nor­mal drones that are float­ing around, so keep to the ground and fight him directly NO PETS.
Brainiac Avatar of Magic
Avatar of Magic

Avatar of Tech

He’s kinda like how he is in Sub Con­struct but not fully he’s pretty much just the big ball you fought there and noth­ing else thank­fully. The only advise I have for fight­ing him is hold down your L1 but­ton and stay locked on to him until he goes away or until he’s dead. Also Zoom your Cam­era all the way out, go to set­tings and make sure to turn off auto zoom on your cam­era so you can con­trol the cam­era zoom your­self. Just hold the L1 and push up and down of the D-pad to move your cam­era in and out. You should be fight­ing this raid with your cam­era zoomed all the way out any­way so you can see if any­one has fallen around you.


Try to stay behind him, make sure to kill his Healer Drones when it comes out and try not to stay to far away from him if you do he will tar­get you for a one shot kill. Good Luck! Oh one last thing try to say in a cir­cle and spread out just in case he does a one shot kill on some­one you don’t want to be next to that per­son when he does. Good Luck Again LOL!

Inner Bat Cave T4

Not worth doing in my opin­ion unless you’re doing it for styles this alert which is actu­ally a raid is to long and to dif­fi­cult to go through the trou­ble of get­ting 4 sets of marks. I would only sug­gest this alert if you’re look­ing for style feats. There is armor drops sim­i­lar to Way­word, Styrk­ers, Ace and Gates in this alert but it’s not worth it. Do this raid when you’re CR is very high.


Get­ting T4 gear is eas­ier than get­ting to CR 70 or work­ing on your T5 gear, because you can get marks from every Chal­lenge, Duo, Alert and Raid fromT1 to T4 so I rec­om­mend you do every one you can. I hope this blog was help­ful and I know it’s very cau­tion­ary and with the help of T5 play­ers most of these mis­sions will be eas­ier than it used to be, but I laid it out this way to cut the amount of stress  you may have while lev­el­ing up. 
Nor­mally we wouldn’t cre­ate a new lev­el­ing guide until the next tier level comes out, but see­ing how there’s so much mis­sions in tier 5 and still so lit­tle infor­ma­tion on how to go through them we thought it was time to cre­ate a new one. 

 You have to go in alone

When you reach CR 84 you’re able to get access to all T5 mis­sions, but you can’t just jump into Alerts or Raids it wouldn’t be fair to the other play­ers who’ve actu­ally took the time to pre­pare for the harder mis­sions. So you’re going to start like you’re always sup­pose to start with Challenges.
The Huntress Solo Mission
They actu­ally fixed her com­bos, so I can’t really hate her anymore.
  1. Iconic Anom­aly: The Hunt
  2. Iconic Anom­aly: Test Sub­ject #1
The rea­son why you should do these mis­sion first is the fact that you great starter gear for T5 mis­sions. Click on the two solo anom­aly for a list of items that drop on those missions.

Time to head to the wasteland

After doing the anom­alies it’s time to go to Gotham Waste­land. Here you’re going to do Raven’s Bounty, Wrath, Envy, and Lust open world mis­sions. I sug­gest you start with Raven’s Bounty first, search for a group and join them in fight­ing Raven’s Evil Soul Pro­jec­tion. After you defeat her, she should reward you with an item 85 gear item you can acquire from your jour­nal com­ple­tion. After that go do Wrath, Envy and Lust and report back to Won­der Woman.

Fight­ing the Light alone or with friends

It’s going to take a lit­tle more then CR 84 to han­dle these solo mis­sion so I sug­gest you wait until you’re CR 94+ or have a league mem­ber help you because these jour­nal mis­sion on Mogo are very hard.
  1. Infor­ma­tion Underload
  2. The Sum of it’s Parts (This is just a search and destroy junk, Easy)
  3. Wanted: Mist-Empowered (Hard at even CR 100+)
There’s no halfass-ing these jour­nal quests, you bet­ter come pre­pared or else.

Time for some Team Ups

Before we start play­ing in teams I want to say you should have at least 4–5 item 83+ gear on before you play with other play­ers, with that said.
Wrath - Jared
The big bad shut your mouth, Jared aka Wrath!

It’s time for some Duos

  1. Knights­dome Arena (Very Hard)
  2. Ruined Cathe­dral
  3. Tun­nel of Lust
DO NOT DO KNIGHTSDOME ARENA UNLESS YOU HAVE ALL YOUR GEAR ITEM83+ IT’S HARD. Knights­dome Arena is pretty hard because there isn’t much space between ene­mies and rest, also some­times you have to fend for your­self and if you can’t take on a group of ene­mies by your­self then you’re going to be dying a lot on this mis­sion. Expect a lot of rage quit­ters if things get really bad. Ruined Cathe­dral and Tun­nel of Lust are pretty straight forward.
Both are dif­fi­cult but not as hard as Knights­dome just take it slow and fol­low the other player’s lead. Oh one last thing I’ve notice with these duos, if you’re a DPSthere’s a 90% chance that all the ene­mies will treat you like a Tank. In other words if you’re the DPS and there’s a Con­troller or Healer in your group all ene­mies will come after you first before going after the other role. So it’s always bet­ter to play another role if you’re a lower CR but that’s only if you have higher role spe­cific gear, Good Luck.

Alerts and Oper­a­tion Tier 5

Trigon’s Prison

By now you should have acquired some really decent gear if not then there’s no point in con­tin­u­ing to fol­low this guide.… Any­way the first Alert/Operation that you should under­take after get­ting gear from Solo’s and Duo’s mis­sion is Trigon’s PrisonTrigon’s Prison is fairly easy and really short, the main ben­e­fit of doing Trigon’s Prison first is the 164 dps weapon and the trin­ket drops. If the group is geared enough these weapons and trin­kets will drop with ease.

Broth­ers in Arms/Family Reunion

In my opin­ion the end of Fam­ily Reunion is harder than Broth­ers in Arms, so I sug­gest you do B.I.A. first then Fam­ily after­wards. There isn’t really any good drops in these two alerts if you started doing Trigon’s Prison but the marks and Excep­tional Recov­ery Kit V’s are well worth it.
The Dark Knight Spector
The Dark Knight Spector!
A bit of infor­ma­tion about B.I.A. and Fam­ily, any boss you kill in Cen­tral City only drops item 81 gear noth­ing more, no marks, no plans, noth­ing you couldn’t already get in a Solo T5 mis­sion. So if you’ve done enough Solo and Duo mis­sions you don’t need to fight any of the side bosses in Cen­tral City for any­thing, just the main boss around the statue of Flash and even that boss doesn’t drop any marks. Just play through until you get to Metrop­o­lis or Gotham where you will encounter the real first boss of these Operations.

Scion of Ion

By now you should have enough marks to buy the Scion of Ion gear on Mogo. You should also have some gear from doing the Wrath, Envy, and Lust open world and Duo mis­sions. I know you want to use your marks to buy the cheap­est item gear in the store but I rec­om­mend you save it for a chest, legs, feet or maybe even a back. I per­son­ally don’t go for the rings, neck, feet or back but it’s all a mat­ter of pref­er­ence. It will also help to use some of your Marks of Tri­umph to buy some Tier 4 mods to use in your gear until you have time to gather and make bet­ter Tier 5 mods for your gear.

Strik­ing through the Mist

Mist Recov­ery and Strike Team oper­a­tions are very hard com­pared to the other Tier 5 alert\operations, I sug­gest that you’re CR 95 or higher before enter­ing either of these mis­sions. In other words you should have at least full Pride­ful, Cor­rupted or Exalted armor set before enter­ing or a com­bi­na­tion of those and Scion of Ion on before you do.
Lyssa drak
Sine­stro Corps His­to­rian Lyssa drak.
Either way you shouldn’t be any­where below CR 95. From my expe­ri­ence there isn’t really any bet­ter gear in Mist or Strike mis­sions than in Trigon’s Prison but Strike Team has dropped Expert Tier V plans but to get them you have to be very strong and you have to kill the last boss really fast to get a pur­ple item drop. I heard expert plans also drop in Mist Recov­ery as well but I haven’t seen it as of writ­ing this blog.

Raids Raids and More Raids Operations

At CR 96* you’re ready to start doing raids, but notice the star next to the 96? It means not every role can do raids at CR 96. I’m not an expert at roles other than con­troller but from my expe­ri­ence with play­ing with other roles only heal­ers can get away with doing Tier 5 raids below rec­om­mended require­ments. So CR 96 is only rec­om­mended for non-solo Healers.

Nexus of Reality

Rec­om­mended CR 97, Tanks and Con­trollers should be higher because there’s more work to be done by these roles in this raid. Con­trollers are rec­om­mended to have at least 1850 vit but the higher the bet­ter, less chances of the DPS’s mutiny­ing and kick­ing you out. Also it is manda­tory that all con­trollers have defense debuffs, but it’s rec­om­mended that the back up con­troller be the one to han­dle the job of debuff­ing the bosses and the other ene­mies in the raid.
Space Lex
Space Lex in the Nexus of Reality
The same goes for Tanks if you’re squishy (soft) chances are you’re not going to get any love from any­one in the raid. DPS just need to do dam­age not always the eas­i­est job but if you’re not keep­ing up with the lead DPSchance are you might not make it through the raid. There’s one thing that needs to be said for every­one in who does Nexus raid. NEVER USEAGGRESSION TRINKETS ON THE LUTHERS OR THE BATMANS (I don’t usu­ally write for the Vil­lian side but it’s the same I guess).
  • No Boo ghosts Trinkets
  • No Side­kicks Trinkets
  • No Noth­ing that draws atten­tion to itself!
If you use these items in Nexus they will draw atten­tion away from the Tank mak­ing the Luthers\Batmans turn to attack the rest of the team and chances are you’re not going to be able to take a hit from them. SO DON’T USE THOSETRINKETS!

Para­dox Wave

Rec­om­mended CR 98, if the group is going for the Odyssey Feat you’re CRmust be 100+. This raid is pretty hard but can be very easy if you know how to fight all the para­dox bosses. The Odyssey Feat on the hand is just hard hands down, only 100+ CR play­ers will find it enjoy­able. This raid alone needs a guide all by itself because each boss has “Tells” that every­one needs to look for or they will die more ways than one. I rec­om­mend check­ing out Youtube or read­ing the Para­dox guide on DC Uni­verse Online Forum.

Assu­alt Battery

Rec­om­mended CR 100+, this raid is easy if you can fin­ish Para­dox or Nexus with a death count below 10. If you’re dying more than that or 15 times in those raids don’t waste everyone’s time join­ing this raid. The over­all raid is easy or you can tell how hard it is by the first boss. If the groups wipes on the first boss that’s a har­bin­ger of things to come.

Con­trol Problems

Con­trollers how­ever have the hard­est job in this raid every­one will live or die on the last boss because of the actions of the con­trollers. They have to keep the Man­hunters at bay while the rest of the group attacks Sine­stro and Hank Hen­shaw if they don’t, the group will die in one move. Con­trollers should have a Vit of at least 2100+ and you must make sure you have a power restore super­charge and some kind of encase­ment or stun attack to stop the Man­hunters from mov­ing on the tank and the rest of the group.
Per­son­ally I love doing this raid with 3 Con­trollers, 2 to han­dle the team and 1 to hold off the Man­hunters, but in order for this to work the raid must have a really good Healer and 3 really great DPS for it to work flaw­lessly. Every­one should be 102+ CR, or there might be to many weak links for this to work.
Also the con­trollers SHOULD have some kind of Encase­ment power in their load­out, Why? Because you want to cap­ture the Man­hunters and move them to the entrance to the boss room and hold them there. Stun­ning them is good but it can get out of hand if you miss stun­ning them and they get in the mid­dle of the fight with the rest of the group. If all you do is stun them in the mid­dle of the fight you’re going to get stuck try­ing to lock on to the ran­dom Man­hunter in the mid­dle of all the chaos while still try­ing to con­troller the others.
The last thing you want to be doing is chas­ing down one Man­hunter wast­ing your pow­ers try­ing to keep them out of the fight. Encas­ing them gives you more free­dom to con­trol where the Man­hunters are placed in the boss room and if they are all grouped together at the door you can keep them up against the door out of the fight and if one man­ages to get away you can always encase the other 3 and catch the 4th one and carry him back to the door.
Oh FYI, 9 out of 10 chances are you’re going to get one shot from Hank for no rea­son if you’re play­ing as a Con­troller hold­ing the Man­hunters at the door so keep an eye on both the group of Man­hunters and look­ing out for Hanks super flight attack.

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